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3rd Baltic Conference 1141x450-344


SBE Phd conference 2022 (36)

Kostas Biliūnas, VGTU

Phenomenological Approach to Architectural Contextuality

SBE Phd conference 2022 (51)

Algimantas Grigas, KTU

Review of the Forms of Architectural Criticism in the Specialised Periodicals of the Soviet Lithuania

SBE Phd conference 2022 (53)

Matijs Babris, RTU

Innovative Approaches in Developing New Experiential Nature Tourism Destinations


3rd Baltic Conference of Young Researchers in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering Doctoral students‘ scientific conference

Three schools of architecture in the Baltic Sea region – Riga Technical University, Kaunas University of Technology, and Vilnius Gediminas Technical University – 2020 have launched a follow-up event for doctoral students that are exploring the fields of architecture, landscape and urban planning. This year, the Vilnius Academy of Arts joined the event. The aims of the event are to help doctoral students improve the quality of their research, gain diverse feedback and networking, increase the visibility of early-stage researcher’ work and open up more opportunities for future collaboration.

In 2022, the doctoral student event coincides with the student scientific conference organized by KTU Faculty of Civil engineering and architecture. This year‘s doctoral event is named „3rd Baltic Conference of Young Researchers in Architecture, Landscape architecture, Urbanism and Civil Engineering“. In this event, not only doctoral students in the field of History and Theory of arts will have the opportunity to participate and present their work, but also doctoral students in the field of Civil engineering. The event will take place on the premises of Kaunas University of Technology, 24th of November, 2022.

Doctoral students can submit articles on the topic of the presented research to the „Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering“ ( ).

The participation fee for doctoral students are 100 Eur.

The official language of the event – English.

Participants are invited to register and submit a summary of their research, which must include the participant‘s name, affiliation, title of the report, and summary not less than 100 words.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate and contact us:







Prof. dr. Kęstutis Zaleckis, KTU


Prof. dr. Andrius Jurelionis, KTU

Prof. dr. Jūratė Kamičaitytė, KTU

Doc. dr. Indrė Gražulevičiūtė-Vileniškė, KTU

Prof. dr. Danutė Vaičiukynienė, KTU

Prof. dr. Paris Fokaides, CFU

Prof. dr. Sandra Treija, RTU

Prof. dr. Ugis Bratuškins, RTU

Doc. dr. Liutauras Nekrošius, VILNIUS TECH

Doc. dr. Eglė Navickienė, VILNIUS TECH

Prof. dr. Gintaras Stauskis, VILNIUS TECH

Prof. dr. Tomas Grunskis, VDA

Dr. Aušra Mlinkauskienė

Vice-Dean for Research

Studentų g. 48, Kaunas